Monthly Astro-Forecast; New Moon in Scorpio

We're in the midst of one of those phases in the cosmic cycle where people keep asking me "what's going on with the stars?" because they are feeling chaotic or confused and are aware of something they can't quite grasp. Right now, it's probably related to today's new moon in Scorpio (exact at 3.38am on Monday 28th here in the UK) which is opposite Uranus and is bringing some deep transpersonal energies into our awareness. On Thursday / Samhain / Halloween Mercury turns retrograde, also in Scorpio, so there's plenty of getting pulled down into the depths going on right now. So yes, you could say there are some intense energies around and they can certainly be difficult to grasp, although I tend to argue that there's always something intense happening for somebody and practising going with the flow is generally the best approach.

Scorpio is the sign of fixed water, ruled by Pluto and traditionally by Mars, so you can see there's a lot of power here. Scorpio season is all about diving into our own unconscious minds, embracing our shadow selves and tapping into our powers of transformation. Whatever we have been hiding from tends to surface and there might be a need for some honesty and soul searching. Or we may try to push it down even deeper, in which case we may encounter resistance. Pay attention to that resistance - it shows you where there is power for the taking if you can get over the fears or insecurities which are holding it back. Scorpio carries a lot of strong energy and can be possessive, so this new moon is a good seed point for seeking awareness around what we are holding onto too strongly and how we can begin to release it.
The new moon is closely opposite Uranus in Taurus, reinforcing this dynamic of holding on and breaking out. Uranus is the great awakener, the bringer of radical change. This new moon may find us starting a revolution, or quashing one! Allowing Uranus to help us break through any resistance may release a rush of energy. Uranus can be abstract and is associated with higher knowledge, whereas Scorpio is about our most established emotional patterns. The opposition here is between the thinking self and the feeling self, the person we want to be and the person we can't help being. As with all oppositions, we may flow between these extremes for a while as we work out how to balance them. Collectively, the interesting times we are all living in are not likely to let up any time soon!

As we move forward from this new moon, we are given plenty of cosmic resources to help us to navigate the intensity. On 30 October Mercury and Venus meet in Scorpio, opening up deep conversations about what we value most, what we want from life and who we really are. The following day, Mercury turns retrograde, compelling us to inner work and soul searching. Challenges around power and how we direct our life force may come to a head around November 5th, when Mars in Libra clashes with Pluto in Capricorn, and also around 24th November when Mars opposes Uranus. Mars moves into Scorpio on 19th November and always compels action. The intensity may step up a level around those dates, so be kind. To yourself, as well as to everyone else!

As well as the Scorpio depths, this lunation may bring the opposite extreme of high ideals and spiritual truths. Sagittarius energy is building, with Venus moving into that sign on November 1st and the Sun on November 22nd. On November 14th Venus squares Neptune, an idealistic connection which asks you to be true to your dreams, but also realistic about manifesting them. Venus stays active, meeting Jupiter in Sagittarius on November 24th, bringing a rush of positive energy and also the possibility of over-indulging or allowing an excess of optimism to tempt us into risk-taking. It may be a lunation of ups and downs, not to mention highs and lows.

Mercury retrograde in Scorpio; plunging ever deeper


Full Moon Astro-Tarot: Power and Liberation