Full Moon Astro-Tarot; Healing the Connection

The full moon on February 21, at 3.53pm GMT here in London, is the third full moon in a row to fall at 0° of its sign. I'm really hoping this heralds a paradigm shift, a peak energy which can carry us into a new cycle. With the Sun in Pisces, the Moon is in Virgo. The dynamic of these two signs is all about giving service, about where we fit into the greater whole. Pisces understands each of us as a drop in the great cosmic ocean, and Virgo wants to be the best drop she can be, to make the cosmic ocean better by her presence and her work. This is the dynamic of Virgo control vs. Pisces flow, Virgo order vs. Pisces chaos. It asks how do we open ourselves to a higher power? And in this secular materialistic world, how do we even admit the existence of such a thing, never mind choose to live our life by it? This full moon asks where and how we are giving service - and do we know why and to whom? In this strongly individualistic society, this full moon asks us to get out of our own way, to focus on something bigger than ourselves. It asks us to move away not only from mindless, meaningless consumption but also from our obsession with personal growth and the individual journey. Virgo and Pisces both understand, in their different ways, that we are all one. Virgo focuses on the separate parts and the ways we can bring them together, seeking a synthesis which will prove the lie of the separate self. Pisces doesn't have to think about it or work at it, the connection is there. Pisces energy flows with the universal, the Anima Mundi, the spirit which animates the world.
Chiron the healer is close to this full moon, forming an awkward quincunx aspect to the moon and pushing us to consider our healing journey more deeply. Newly arrived in Aries for a nice long stay, Chiron is the spiritual warrior. It asks us where are we afraid to be powerless, or indeed powerful. How do our inner wounds affect the way that we exercise our will? Connected with the healing vibe carried by Virgo, there is a deep pull to inner healing here. Whatever physical experiences we are having right now, we are asked how are we separate within ourselves and how we are moving towards wholeness, on every level of our being. How are we aware of our place in the greater whole, and how are we healing our separation from the earth? (Random aside: I don't believe in healing the earth. She is perfectly capable of healing herself if we'd just stop interfering. I do believe in healing our connection to her, in fact, I think unless we can heal that connection we are pretty much doomed.)
So what does the tarot have to say about all this? There are some interesting ebbs and flows of energy between these cards, as if the cards want to show us just how interconnected it all is.

Moon in Virgo - How can we unite the disparate parts of ourselves? - Four of Arrows

By setting the mind aside and letting it rest. The butterfly of our soul, our intuition, our wholeness, cannot fly free if we are constantly over-thing and over-doing. We need space to access the deeper parts of ourselves, our connections to each other and to the earth. Synthesis is partly a conscious process - the suit of Arrows corresponds to the Swords in most tarot decks, ruling the mind - but ultimately it needs to come from intuition, not logic or even intellect.

Sun in Pisces - How can we open ourselves to universal energy? - Eight of Stones

By doing the walk, always by doing the Work. Not talking about it, not hoping someone else will do it for us, but by taking responsibility for our own connection, our own experience. Whether we meditate, pray, talk to the trees, whatever practice brings us back to the universal, to spirit, that's what we need to do.

I can't help noticing that the energy of the Four of Arrows is more in tune with the Sun in Pisces, whereas the Eight of Stones is more of a Virgo energy. Ebb and flow, flow and ebb, like the figure of eight of the infinity sign.

Chiron quincunx Moon - What does it mean to be on a healing journey? - Five of Wands

So very Chiron in Aries, this card. A healing journey is about regaining our power, taking it back. It's about learning to balance our energy (however much or little is available to us) and how to direct our power. All of us have power, all of us can choose how we use it. If there is to be a paradigm shift, it's up to us. The Five of Wands can be a chaotic card, competitive. It calls for teamwork, responsibility, honesty. Given a little focus, the chaos can be a source of creative power. This full moon calls us all to act with courage as well as with compassion.

Monthly Astro Forecast: New Moon in Pisces


Monthly Astro Forecast; New Moon in Aquarius