New Moon in Pisces; shifting tides
Pisces is the final sign of the zodiac, making this dark, or new, moon a time for letting go and releasing. It’s a time to allow what no longer serves us to dissolve away as we return to the source of our being. Pisces is the merging back into universal consciousness, the completion of the cycle, the drop sinking back into the ocean. This is sensitive energy, boundaryless and numinous. Pisces is intuition, deep inner knowing, the oneness with the all. The new moon in Pisces brings an awareness of sacrifice, of loss, of what has dissolved away through choice or necessity.
This week I tuned into the Pisces energy and visited a spring, well a fountain really which is close to the spring itself, where I used to go a lot before I had children. I’d not been since before my oldest was born (she’s eleven now) so it had been a while and it was amazing to reconnect. Her birth was the beginning of a Jupiter cycle that has just completed, so fitting that I should return to this local sacred site as the new Jupiter cycle begins, returning to this particular source, bringing it full circle.
And I’m feeling the need for a change on this blog, a Pisces season release to clear some space so I’m letting go of the new and full moon posts for a while. I’d still like to do a regular overview of the astrology weather but it will probably be probably when the Sun changes sign each month, starting whenever I’m ready. Hopefully, this change will make some space for all the other things I want to write about on this blog, not least tarot which has been sadly neglected here of late. For now, I might be taking a little break, figuring out my next steps and balancing my increasing workload. I want to be here because inspiration has struck, not because I feel I “should” be. I want to reconnect with the moon as part of my own spiritual practice, not because I “need” to write about her. As we move towards the astrological new year at Spring Equinox, it’s time to release the old and make way for the new. Whatever that turns out to be.