Full Moon Astro-Tarot: Relating

This week's full moon, at 29° Libra on Friday 19th, asks us what has reached its peak during Aries season. What phases of our relationships are coming to an end, in the dynamic between ourselves and the others around us, whether they be people or other beings. Everything in the world is other, and we are in relationship with all of it - people, trees, phones, dandelions growing through paving slabs, corporations. How do we connect with the energies in our lives, the energies around us? We are all connected and we all affect each other, whether we know it or not. This full moon asks us how we are bringing our selves as individuals into balance, within and without all of these relationships which shape us. If we tend to focus on pleasing others, we may find ourselves standing up for our own desires. If we tend to focus on our own passions and individual journey, we may be growing in awareness of the feelings and desires of others.
Uranus is close enough to add some spontaneity and maybe a few surprises to the lunar energy and there may be drama, sudden shifts happening around us or perhaps changes which have been building for a while suddenly manifesting. There is a compulsion to act, in the moment and of the moment. The Sun in Aries is strongly aware of the power of now, of this moment and the potential it carries. The Moon in Libra, on the other hand, is aware of what everyone else is feeling, so that seizing the moment to manifest our own desires may not be as easy as we'd like. There's an equilibrium to be found, a harmony to be maintained. Uranus always calls us to be authentic, to be true to ourselves.
Here's my wisdom reading for this full moon...

Moon in Libra - How are we in relationship with each other? - The Moon

We relate at a deep, feeling level. Although Libra can sometimes be superficial, this card calls us to look deeper, beyond the pleasant, acceptable feelings to our more challenging emotions. What are we projecting and onto whom? The Moon brings shadows as well as light, and this care reminds us that so often we form relationships based at least as much on our projections as on our actual connection to the being in question. We are called to reflect, to look within to develop our awareness of what we are truly feeling and then take responsibility for it.

Sun in Aries - How do we fuel the fires of our growth? - Ten of Arrows

In the Greenwood tarot, the Tens focus on community building and sharing rather than the sometimes negative portrayals of overwhelming energy in Smith-Waite based decks. Both meanings can apply here though - allowing the energy to overwhelm us would burn us out, so we need to direct it outside of ourselves. What can we share with the world, which will also teach us something about ourselves? What do we need to pass on, to make space for the potential of a new moment?

Uranus conjunct Sun - How can we make space for spontaneous change? - Eight of Cups

This is not the first time this card has come up in one of these readings, which makes me think that there is something here we need deeply, the wisdom of the cauldron, the deep generative power of the Sheela Na Gig. There's a link back to the Moon card too, the cycles of death and rebirth which spiral through our lives. This card is the release of the full moon, the turning our backs on what we have built, the walking away from that which we cling to most tightly. Like, materialist western capitalism, say. We make space for spontaneous change through our willingness to enter the cauldron and be re-born, to allow the vessel of our lives to change beyond recognition. Are you ready?


Monthly Astro-Forecast: New Moon in Taurus


Monthly Astro Forecast: New Moon in Aries