The Bond of Fifty Thousand Generations; or How to Enjoy Joy

Lately I've read several books which focus on enchantment, on things that make us happy, and especially about connection to nature. I read a lot of nature writing. It can be depressing as well as inspiring, tales of the arrogance of us humans, our exploitation of Mother Earth, our assumption that to do so is our right.

The writing that feels the most powerful to me are the words which focus on our love of nature, of the power of that love to connect us to nature, to the land around us. Michael McCarthy, in the wonderful The Moth Snowstorm, calls this "the bond of fifty thousand generations", meaning the deep connection born of millenia of living as part of the natural world, rather than disconnected from it as we do now. McCarthy, and others (Sharon Blackie is another favourite) suggest that this bond, this love of nature, can inspire us to defend nature, to work to slow the great loss, however futile it may seem.

These feelings go deep, as McCarthy points out; "we suddenly and involuntarily find ourselves loving the natural world with a startling intensity, in a burst of emotion...the only world that seems to me to be appropriate for this feeling is joy". He goes on to note that "joy is not a concept...that we are entirely comfortable with, in the modern age". And yes, there are probably good reasons why the nihilism and cynicism which often seem to be the prevalent mood of our times are so entrenched, but in re-connecting with our joy, we re-connect to hope. To a belief that we can make a difference, that all is not lost (yet). We need these positive emotions, this shift in perspective, more than ever, so I did a tarot wisdom reading to see what I could learn.

What is the bond of fifty thousand generations? Three of Cups

It is joyful connection, simple as that. It is our belonging to the earth, part of the tribe of earth. It is sharing, relationship - each brings their talents, their skills, to form something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Its not something that we need to over-think, to plan for, to organise. We simply have to allow it, and to honour it. And celebrate it.

How can we re-awaken this bond in all of humanity? Priestess of Discs

Do the work. Of nourishing the bond, of nurturing our connection to nature. Raise our children so that they never lose it (because we are all born with it). Embody it, feel it fully in our bodies as we move with and on the earth. This card makes me think of showing, not telling, of living our truth instead of preaching it. We can re-awaken the bond, the joy, in others by embodying it ourselves.

What is the power of nature? Ace of Cups

The source. The source of all being, the fountain of life. Nature is the beginning of everything, the source of our feelings, our imagination. Of our love. The deeper we dive in, the more power is available to us. Maybe we can connect most deeply to the power of nature when we immerse ourselves in her, become a part of the landscape rather than an observer of it.

What is the power of joy? Nine of Discs

The joy of our work, of co-creating our world. The power to create that world, to build something solid and lasting. The power of joy is in what we create, in surrounding ourselves with our creations and even in putting them to work. The woman in this image is surrounded by the tools of her shamanic practice, reminding us that the power of joy is to connect us to something deeper than our everyday selves. Joy brings us into the moment, in all its depth and beauty and scope. And joy is something physical, something we feel in our whole body

I love the interplay of earth and water, of feeling and form in these cards. The power of nature is an emotional force. The power of joy is a physical force.

Monthly Astro Forecast: Solar Eclipse in Cancer


Full Moon Astro-Tarot for the Master Builder