The Tarot Aces; sparks of joy

There’s a risk of getting a bit self-referential, starting a series on the Aces. Turning in on my own symbolism. But as the Aces tell us, got to start somewhere. I’ve been wanting to write a series on the tarot Minors for a while now, to give a little attention to the often neglected number cards. I’ve been journaling with them for some time, on and off, meditating on them too. So this will be a meander, a following of what calls me in, or into, each card, to see what I find.

The Aces are pure energy, introducing the energy of each suit, the unique divine gift of each of the elements. They might not be the first step on the journey, more the first awareness of a thought or idea about setting out on a journey. Before the choosing of a destination, the lacing up of boots, the stepping out of the door. When Aces come up in a reading, I always tell people to be ready - because something new is coming but it might not be what you expect, or what you are ready for or even what you want. Opportunities can be missed because we were looking in the other direction, too caught up in our own expectations to keep our minds truly open.

I started my meanderings with the Ace of Wands because there is the spark of course, the light going on as a new possibility opens up. The Ace of Wands is the flame burning at the heart of each of us, our individual power and strength and beauty. The Ace of Wands is “I am” - and then our challenge is to nurture the spark, to kindle the fire into life. Some things only we can set in motion, some tasks are ours alone, to be done our way or not at all. There might be resistance (always a sign of power), a need for courage, a strengthening of identity.


And then on to the Ace of Pentacles because what is a spark of inspiration without the gift of matter to bring it into being? It can be difficult to move from contemplation to action, to make time and space for all those creative projects we fill notebooks with and struggle to take any further (or is that just me?!). Often there is resistance or a fear of starting and this is Ace of Pentacles territory for me because so often it’s linked to a lack of self worth. We don’t believe we are worthy so we don’t believe our creativity is worthy. And so we sabotage ourselves, refuse the gifts of talent and resources which the universe offers us.

The Ace of Cups brings a rush of emotion, a flow of imagination, a message from our heart. For me, this is a card of connecting with our sources - with the source of ourselves and also the source of all being. As well as the seed point of new emotional connections with others, the Ace of Cups can be a seed point for a new emotional connection with ourselves. For learning to relate to ourselves more authentically, to accept ourselves, to treat ourselves with the love and trust we extend to others. It can be a sensitive and even vulnerable time when the Ace of Cups shows up, feelings overflowing, imagination awakening.

The Aces of Swords is the start of a conversation, the first word spoken to lead us who knows where. To connect with others and to connect with ourselves, to know others and to know ourselves. I’ve always seen this card as mental space, an opening up that can be as intimidating as it is energising. Knowing where to start or how to articulate something which is just out of reach is not always easy . The Ace of Swords knows that words are not enough, that they are limited, that squeezing our circling thoughts and ideas into their square boxes risks diminishing them. And the Ace of Swords also knows that words are a gift, a way of opening our minds to another mind, of sharing and exchanging what is within us to create something wholly new.


The Tarot Twos; division and union


Sun into Cancer; midsummer tension and flow