Pluto in Aquarius and transformative knowledge
Perhaps I’m being petty, but I’m coming to really dislike the way any astrological “event” feels like a bandwagon, if you spend even a little time on social media. Am I a “proper” astrologer if I haven’t posted my thoughts on Pluto moving into Aquarius for good, if I don’t tell everyone what it might mean or prove somehow how insightful I am. There’s so much good content out there, and so much not so good content too. And I’m sure however much there is, all of it has something to say that will reach someone, that will be what someone needs to hear in this moment.
But I’m noticing this resistance in me, which in itself can be a Pluto thing of course. An oft cited concern with social media is how it makes us feel like we “must” have an opinion, and like that opinion isn’t real or valid unless we’ve told everyone about it. We have bought into this idea that we have to be on social media, that we can’t run a business without it or express our creativity without it or be a valid human being without it. But this is exactly the Pluto in Aquarius dynamic - this is a collective assumption, a self-sulfiling prophecy even. If everyone decided to leave social media tomorrow, Meta would be left watching the tumbleweed and wondering where the party was. This last couple of weeks have seen everyone scuttling off to Bluesky - a suitably Aquarian name of course - but it’s still part of the same pattern.
I find myself wondering about silence, a rare experience in these loud information heavy days. For me, Pluto in Aquarius speaks to transforming epistemologies and ways of knowing. I would love to see us deepening our connections with all this information, transforming it into knowledge and even wisdom, instead of just piling it higher and higher or shouting it louder and louder.
And of course, the deep irony that not only has my social media induced demand avoidance inspired me to actually write something about Pluto in Aquarius, but I’m going to post about it on social media too. Because despite the overload, Pluto in Aquarius is very sure that we all have something to say, we all have a right to be heard, all of our ideas are valid and potentially transformative. In a world where the more toxic and dogmatic an ideology is, the louder and more powerful it seems to get, it’s absolutely paramount that all of our diverse voices are out there. Not to get caught up in our own forms of dogma, but to practise sitting with the uncertainty, the not knowing. Aquarius is about pouring out the vessel of ourselves in service of the collective, yes, but it’s also about embracing paradox. And that, perhaps, can be an alembic for something genuinely new.