Jupiter in Gemini; exploration and connection

One of my favourite planets (is it acceptable to have favourites?!), astrologically speaking, is Jupiter. Or at least, it’s one that I think about a lot. It gets interpreted as being about luck and good fortune and prosperity, which is all lovely, but I think an over-simplification. Jupiter is more complex and less toxically positive than it’s often presented. It’s also harder work than it might initially seem, although I suspect that goes for many things in life.

A few weeks ago, Jupiter moved into Gemini, where it is technically in detriment. After the slow meander of Taurus, Jupiter can move again, hyper fast and wanting to do everything at once. I know a lot of people who are already exhausted, and there’s no let up in sight! Jupiter is in detriment in Gemini because it’s the opposite sign to Sagittarius, where Jupiter is at home. Jupiter is comfortable with Sagittarian quests and visions and adventures, but the Gemini love of detail is not so comfortable. Jupiter wants to see the whole forest but Gemini expresses itself best by getting to know the individual trees. So there’s a lot of energy here, especially mental energy, movement, maybe an excess of ideas, maybe some frustration. Whilst planets in detriment are often seen as weak, for me it’s just about figuring out how they work. Ideally, Jupiter in Gemini can bring their bigger picture energy to the detail, and work on integrating them. It can appreciate the long journey and the everyday moment. Maybe Jupiter in Gemini goes half way around the world just to go to the supermarket or to talk to a friend. Jupiter in Gemini finds meaning in the detail, in learning and making connections. To put it more philosophically, Jupiter is mythos and Gemini is logos, two different forms of knowledge which are often at odds with each other.

For me, Jupiter in Gemini is one of those fantasy cities that all the best fantasy novels have. Where there’s colour and busyness and life, markets and palaces, warriors and merchants. The main character has probably grown up in the middle of nowhere and is simultaneously in love with the city and utterly overwhelmed by it. By the light and colour and sound, by a vastly expanded awareness of the possibilities of the world so the mind is blown open, bringing excitement and overwhelm and sensory overload. We love it, but it’s also kind of exhausting. And that’s Jupiter, especially Jupiter in busy Gemini - it might bring something we have worked towards, dreamed of for years, longed for - but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Jupiter tends to take us out of our comfort zone - that’s what growth means, after all. Everything is happening at once, we don’t know if we’re ready - but we have to do it anyway.

So for this next year or so of Jupiter in Gemini - get ready to explore. Find a new perspective on some knowledge you already have. Read all the books, spend time with old friends and new, write your story. Figure out what or where is the fantasy city of your dreams - and how you can reach it.


The (reluctant) realism of Virgo season


Sagittarius season; the archer of fate