Full Moon Astro-tarot; the push and pull of resistance

The full moon in Scorpio, exact in the late morning of May 7th here in the UK, takes us deep into the ebb and flow of our most emotional selves. So much has happened so quickly in the last couple of months, now we have a chance to process our experiences and the fears, memories and feelings they trigger. We need to honour and actually feel all of those feelings, the uncomfortable as well as the comfortable. If we've been feeling overwhelmed or blocking out our feelings because they are simply too much to deal with, the full moon in Scorpio may be the trigger which opens the floodgates, allowing us to express our feelings and then release them. In these times of seclusion and enforced retreat, the full moon in Scorpio asks us to embrace the intensity, the call to go inwards, and seek the treasures hidden there.
A full moon in Scorpio illuminates the emotions we may prefer to ignore - the fear, the grief, the judgement, the shadow. Any resistance is a signpost, showing us where our power lies, allowing us to free up energy we may have been using to repress any discomfort or hide from our fears. Scorpio energy is very self-contained and we may be embracing our solitude, making time for some reflection and contemplation. Or stewing in our own juices and turning everything into a drama, just to make life more interesting. Scorpio brings our deepest resources into view, allowing us to engage with transformation, empowering our growth - if we are willing to do the work. This is a fixed sign, associated with persistence and staying power, there are no quick fixes here.

The dynamic of Scorpio and Taurus in play with this full moon speaks of security, both emotional and material. These are insecure times and we risk holding on too strongly to the places and people which make us feel secure, perhaps to our own detriment. This is a great full moon for releasing emotional patterns and ways of being which no longer serve us. Many of us are finding that concerns and even concepts we thought we couldn't live without, we don't miss at all and that matters which have been a lower priority are actually crucial to our wellbeing. This is the time to go deeper, to find the roots of any resistance and patterns which have become too fixed, to release them and free up our energy for creating a new and more fulfilling way of being.
I've pulled two cards for the Moon in Scorpio in these intense times, as well as one to illuminate the Sun in Taurus.

Moon in Scorpio - What is reaching its ending and seeking release? - Prince of Swords

Ha - all the movement, the constantly being on the go, the rushing around, that's what this card is showing me. It makes me think of all those people who tell you how busy they are as a kind of badge of honour as if being stressed means that your existence is valid. Of course, there is still much to fight for, indeed we are seeing it more clearly than ever, but we are being asked to move a little more slowly, a little more mindfully. Full speed ahead is not the way to go right now, however restless we are becoming.

Moon in Scorpio - What is seeking to be reborn at this time? - Ten of Swords

Well, this immediately tells me that it's not quite time for rebirth, that we are still in the ending phase. A new dawn is on the horizon but maybe we are still in victim mode, still too fearful and not ready to move on. Likely for good reason and so we stay with our enforced rest, our acceptance that something is ending, for just a little while longer, acknowledging our dramatic feelings and waiting until we are ready to stand and look towards the rising sun of the following card.

Sun in Taurus - How can we transform resistance into empowerment? - the Sun

Finally some rebirth! The first two cards are rather dramatic, powerful words and not a little self importance. But the Sun child is pure, open, free. We can transform our resistance simply by allowing ourselves to be, to appreciate the sun on our backs and the love and beauty which lights up our lives, however out of reach is may seem just now.

The full moon in Scorpio carries the full weight of the tide, the inexorable flow which risks carrying us away if we continue to resist it. We are called to align ourselves with it, to move out of Swords consciousness and into the realm of the feeling self, the unconscious patterns which drive our thoughts and actions more than we realise. The teaching that we can't choose what life throws at us but we can choose how we respond to it is powerful and poignant right now, for all of us.


Teaching Tarot to Children; suits and stories


Teaching Tarot to Children, or, doing lockdown education my way