What a Tarot Reading Can't Do, or, How We Make Choices

If you have a reading with me, I will never give you a definitive answer. More accurately, my tarot cards will never give you a definitive answer. That may sound harsh, and I know some people hate that. They come for  tarot reading specifically seeking a definitive answer - is the person they are about to marry the right one? Should they start a relationship with person a or person b?
We can avoid our path....

I help the querent to understand the energies around their question, the resources they have available, where the challenges or potential obstacles might be. The cards give them the information they need to make their decision, and I help them to interpret that to the best of both of our abilities. But I never tell them what to decide, and I never give them a yes no answer. The tarot tends not to respond well to closed questions anyway. I've been criticised for this approach "Aren't you supposed to be psychic?" someone asked me the other day (not a claim I actively make, but that's a whole other post). The querent felt that I was showing weakness, or even didn't know what I was doing, because I - and my cards - refused to give that longed for definitive answer.

Because the thing is, life doesn't give definitive answers. The person might be the "right" one to marry, not because you will live happily ever after but because you have something to teach each other. Your fates might be entwined for a little while, then the marriage might end, but you will have grown as a person and be more truly yourself because of it. Or you might indeed live happily ever after, but even that takes awareness, and work, and growing and changing together. The tarot cards (or whatever oracle you choose to consult) can help you navigate the path that you choose.
...or embrace it 

So its not about me being weak, or a poor tarot reader. Its about me, the tarot reader, helping you, the querent, to be strong. To take control of your life. To know what you need to do to make your relationship work, if you feel its worth the effort. To find strength in your independence, if you feel that a relationship is no longer right for you, And yes, all my examples are about relationships, simply because those are the questions I get asked most often, and the answers people have the most emotional investment in.

And I do believe that we choose our path, even when we are not aware of making a choice consciously. I like to think that we all have free will - at point of use, in the choices we make on a day to day basis. There may be greater patterns or energies at work in our lives over which we have less control than we think, and a tarot or astrology reading illuminates these beautifully.

Monthly Astro Forecast: New Moon in Virgo


Monthly Astro Forecast: Solar Eclipse in Leo